Children need enough energy, protein and nutrients to grow.1 The best way to keep your child energized and alert is to offer a healthy, balanced diet.1 Let’s see the different types of food and eating habits that can be included in the ‘energy diet’.
Right food
Right time

If your child is a picky eater, check ‘Combating your child’s picky eating habits’ to overcome the task of filling the nutrition gaps.
Our body has a biological clock that keeps track of the time to sleep/wake, release of hormones and heart function. This clock is very sensitive to food and light. So, the body is best at digesting food/drinks during day time, when we are active.3 Therefore, be sure to offer heavier meals during breakfast or lunch and lighter meals at dinner.3
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
1. Nutrition & Food Services. The Royal Children’s Hospital https://www.rch.org.au/uploadedFiles/Main/Content/nutrition/high-energy-eating.pdf
2. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sleep-and-tiredness/the-energy-diet/
3. Manoogian ENC, Chaix A, Panda S. When to Eat: The Importance of Eating Patterns in Health and Disease. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2019;34(6):579-581. doi:10.1177/0748730419892105