With the new school year starting soon, learn how to give children the right amount of love and protection as they face more challenges in the new normal.
With the new school year just around the corner, it’s never too early to start preparing your children for another exciting and busy time in their lives. As they move up to a new grade this year, they will also face new challenges especially in the current pandemic times. Whether it’s mentally, physically, or emotionally, helping keep your kids protected all-year round is easy as long as you follow these simple tips.
1. Start with Sleep
Even before their classes officially start, it’s good to get them on a regular sleep cycle so that virtual or not, they will be alert and well rested during their classes. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Studies have shown that kids who regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health.”
2. Exercise Together
Stay fit as a family by doing physical activities together. I order to add protection for your family while exercising in or outside the house, take Ascorbic acid (Cecon) everyday as your body’s defense against harmful sickness, viruses, and stress. It also helps strengthen immune system by stimulating the fighting cells in the body and helps activate and speed up the body’s healing and recovery process.
3. Eat Healthy Together
Teaching your children about how to eat healthy is not just for their growth and development but for yours as well. Parents need to ensure that they are eating well so they can be well enough to take care of their kids. Aside from introducing more vegetables and eating less fried food into their diet, you can also encourage your child to choose whole grain products and those with less fat and sugar. Eating healthy can also help them feel and look better and keep on living life to the full.
4. Show them the Sixth Love Language
To help keep your kids and yourself protected, show them just how much you care by giving them a daily dose of Vitamin C. A they continue to face new and exciting challenges ahead, give them Ascorbic acid (Cecon) which acts as their body’s added defense system against harmful sickness, viruses, and effects of stress. It helps strengthen the immune system by stimulating the fighting cells in the body. Along with proper diet and exercise, Ascorbic acid (Cecon) also helps activate and speed up the body’s healing and recovery process.
Ascorbic acid (Cecon) is a non-acidic Vitamin C with a full range of products that can help address the need of each family member, with Ascorbic acid (Cecon 500mg) chewable tablet for adults, Ascorbic acid (Cecon Junior) 100mg chewable tablet for kids and adolescents, and Multivitamins+Zinc (Cecon Plus) tablet for the added protection needed by adults, Ascorbic acid (Cecon) is available online via Lazada and Shopee.
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC ref code: A001P071521CS