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Stay active with home exercises during the lockdown

Staying at home for a prolonged period makes it challenging to remain physically active.1 Fitness centers are also temporarily closed in most places due to the fear of viral transmission. As a result, we are spending most of our time sitting and lying down with little to no exercise. This sedentary behavior can have negative effects on our health, well-being and quality of life.1 Exercise is beneficial to prevent disease, maintain psychological well-being and boost immunity which is crucial during the pandemic.2

Here are some tips to reduce sedentary behavior at home:

  • Walk around the house or on the spot to remain active1
  • Interrupt sitting and reclining time every 30 minutes by standing up1
  • Practice meditation and deep breaths to remain calm.1
  • Follow an online exercise class1

You can also stay physically active with home-based exercises which can be practised at home with no special equipment and with limited space.

1. Knee to elbow

Touch one knee with the opposite elbow, alternating sides1

2. Plank

Support your forearms firmly on the ground, with the elbows under the shoulders1

3. Back extension

Touch your ears with your fingertips and lift your upper body, keeping the legs on the ground1

4. Side knee lifts

Touch your knee with your elbow, lifting the knee to the side, alternating sides1

5. Chest opener

Interlace your fingers behind your back. Stretch your arms and open your chest forward1

6. Legs up the wall

Bring your hips close (5–10 cm) to the wall and let your legs rest1

Alternating cardio (Jumping ropes, stair climbing or step-ups) and strength exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats) in short bursts of 30 seconds for up to 3 minutes is also a great way to work out and reduce stress.3

Incorporate regular exercise in your daily schedule to stay healthy and active during the pandemic.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


1. World Health Organization. Stay physically active during self-quarantine. Available at: http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/coronavirus-covid-19/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-technical-guidance/stay-physically-active-during-self-quarantine.

2. Rodríguez MÁ, Crespo I, Olmedillas H. Exercising in times of COVID-19: what do experts recommend doing within four walls? [published correction appears in Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2021 Apr;74(4):366]. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2020;73(7):527-529. doi:10.1016/j.rec.2020.04.001

3. American Heart Association. Create a Circuit Home Workout Infographic. Available at: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/getting-active/create-acircuit-home-workout.

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PHI2194493 June 2021

PHI2194495 June 2021

ASC Ref Code:

A141P051421CS, A033P101821CS, A034P101821CS, A035P101821CS, A036P101821CS, A037P101821CS, A038P101821CS, A039P101821CS, A040P101821CS, A078P101821CS, A079P101821CS, A080P101821CS

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

1Filipino Adobo Chicken. https://www.eatthismuch.com/recipe/nutrition/filipino-adobo-chicken,955699/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

2Sisig Recipe. http://recipeofhealth.com/recipe/sisig-561679rb Accessed 5 July 2021

3Crispy Pata (Deep-Fried Leg of Pork) Recipe. http://recipeofhealth.com/recipe/crispy-pata-deep-fried-leg-of-pork-306396rb Accessed 5 July 2021

4Chicken Inasal. https://www.kawalingpinoy.com/chicken-inasal/#wprm-recipe-container-33181 Accessed 5 July 2021​

5Pancit Palabok Made Easy. https://www.foxyfolksy.com/pancit-palabok-made-easy/ Accessed 5 July 2021

6How To Cook The Best Bulalo Recipe (beef shank soup). https://eatlikepinoy.com/best-bulalo-recipe/#Best_Bulalo_Recipe Accessed 5 July 2021​

7How To Make The Best Arroz Caldo Recipe The Classic Filipino Porridge. https://eatlikepinoy.com/best-arroz-caldo-recipe/#Best_Arroz_Caldo_Recipe Accessed 5 July 2021

8Kare Kare Recipe – Panlasang Pinoy. https://panlasangpinoy.com/kare-kare-recipe/#wprm-recipe-container-47391 Accessed 5 July 2021

9Sinigang. https://panlasangpinoy.com/pork-sinigang-na-baboy-recipe/#wprm-recipe-container-45253 Accessed 5 July 2021

10Beef Tapa. https://www.kawalingpinoy.com/beef-tapa/#wprm-recipe-container-30701 Accessed 5 July 2021

1Multivitamins. https://www.drugs.com/mtm/multivitamins.html Accessed 5 July 2021​

2Should I Take a Daily Multivitamin? https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/multivitamin/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

3Do Multivitamins Work? The Surprising Truth https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/do-multivitamins-work#what-they-are Accessed 5 July 2021​

4The power of vitamins in athletics https://training-conditioning.com/article/the-power-of-vitamins/#:~:text=They%20also%20help%20with%20the,micronutrient%20needs%20than%20non%2Dathletes Accessed 5 July 2021​

5Top Foods High in Vitamin C https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-high-in-vitamin-c#2 Accessed 5 July 2021

6The 10 Best Foods That Are High In Zinc https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-foods-high-in-zinc#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3 Accessed 5 July 2021​

720 Foods That Are High in Vitamin E https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-high-in-vitamin-e Accessed 5 July 2021​

816 Foods That Are High in Niacin (Vitamin B3) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-high-in-niacin#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2 Accessed 5 July 2021​

928 Vitamin B5 Foods for Staying Healthy & Energetic https://medalerthelp.org/blog/vitamin-b5-foods/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

1015 Vitamin B-6 Rich Foods https://www.healthline.com/health/vitamin-b6-foods Accessed 5 July 2021​

1123 Vitamin B1 Foods You Should Include in Your Diet https://medalerthelp.org/blog/vitamin-b1-foods/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

1225 Vitamin B2 Foods Essential for Your Well-Being https://medalerthelp.org/blog/vitamin-b2-foods/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

1323 Vitamin B12 Foods to Feel Positive & Energetic https://medalerthelp.org/blog/vitamin-b12-foods/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

1429 Vitamin B9 Foods Great for Physical & Mental Health https://medalerthelp.org/blog/vitamin-b9-foods/ Accessed 5 July 2021​

Disclaimer: This site offers general health-related information and is not meant to replace expert medical advice. For questions on specific diseases, symptoms and treatments, please consult a healthcare professional.